Monday, July 21, 2014

Scotch is awful

"It's an acquired taste"....

This statement is total bullshit and actually means that someone is forcing themselves to enjoy something that they know to be awful.

Exhibit A: Scotch.

I've traveled the world, to include many visits to Scotland.  With Scotch drinkers.  Ever met one who doesn't claim that it's an "acquired taste"? either.

Liars.  Each and every one of them.

There's no way that people enjoy Scotch.

At best it tastes like the water pan drippings from a smoker that was used exclusively for the preparation of various animal rectums.  At it's worst, it tastes like the scorching residue left in one's throat if one were to actually try and ingest slow-smoked various animal rectums.

I once drank Tiki-torch fuel on a dare while I was drunk.  INFINITELY smoother and more delicious than the "best" Scotch I've ever had the misfortune to be convinced to sample.  And wildly more affordable!!!

So, for all of the Scotch drinkers out there, I simply HAVE to recommend you try Tiki-torch fuel.  If you're truly drinking Scotch for the flavor, I can guarantee you're going to love the mosquito-repelling alternative.  If not at first, then eventually.  After all, it might be an acquired taste.

If you absolutely must have Scotch though, I've discovered the perfect way to serve Scotch and water.  Start with a freezer-chilled pint glass.  Pour your Scotch of choice very slowly into the glass, filling absolutely to the brim.  It's important to get just as much Scotch as possible into the glass.  Once the glass is full, carefully pour the Scotch out onto the ground or into the sink.  Anywhere will do, really.  Before any residue has a chance to dry in the glass, thoroughly rinse it out with the water you had standing by.  Fill the glass with anything else and enjoy.

Incidentally, the same recipe works just as effectively for American light beers as well.  You know...any of them that need a bottle design or color change label etc in order to aid their flavor.


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